CodeRED Fire
CodeRED Fire was started from a difference in philosophy…There are three things that almost every business values: Service, Value, and Quality. The old saying was that you can only pick two of three. We here at CodeRED Fire didn’t agree with that idea. Why does it have to be that way? It doesn’t anymore.
CodeRED Fire’s primary focus is providing excellent customer service and quality at an exceptional value. We use technology to its fullest potential to aid in a positive customer experience with scheduling, reporting, and invoicing. Our service vehicles allow us to inspect and conduct your six year inspections onsite. This approach, allows us to give our customers an extremely organized and thorough inspection process at an affordable price. Our inspections are guaranteed to meet all your local authorities requirements. CodeRED eliminates your fire extinguisher problems before they arise and ensures that when you need your fire extinguisher, it’s ready.
As a subsidiary of Jayhawk Fire Sprinkler Co., a company known throughout the Midwest for providing quality service and expertise in Fire Suppression since 1976, we have a staff of highly trained and experienced individuals who can address almost any fire suppression issue.

Portable Fire Extinguishers
Portable fire extinguishers are in almost every commercial building, yet very often, owners and management neglect these devices. These devices are very similar to any other life safety system, without proper maintenance and testing there is no way of knowing that in a moment of need, that they’ll work as designed. CodeRED helps owners and managers rest easier knowing their portable devices will work in the event of a fire.
With our 24 hour emergency service, your emergencies can always be resolved. Our service vehicles are equipped with technology and equipment that allows for onsite testing, service and recharging of the following types of portable extinguishers:
- Class ABC
- Clean Agent (Halon, FE36, Halotron)
- Water
- Foam (AFFF + FFFP)
- Class D (Combustible Metals)
- Class K (Kitchen Use)
- Wheeled Units
All CodeRED Fire service technicians are factory trained and have National Association of Fire Equipment Distributors (NAFED) certifications. CodeRED Fire is a full service portable extinguisher shop. In addition to servicing and recharging extinguishers, we also sell and install new equipment including cabinets, brackets, and other necessary components. Call today for a complimentary consultation and quote on all your extinguisher needs.
Latest News
Customers talk, CodeRED listens. After hearing frustrated customers tired of dealing with the same problems year after year with their fire extinguisher companies, Jayhawk Fire Sprinkler has brought the solution to the Kansas City metropolitan. CodeRED Fire is officially open and servicing businesses in your area. Your inspection hassles are a simple phone call away from being resolved. Experience the difference between your current fire suppression service company and CodeRED for yourself.

Well within budget! We needed our annual inspections on our extinguishers. They were fast, thorough, and well within budget. Thank you!